

迪生創建(113)公布截至今年9月底止中期業績,營業額9億9890萬元,按年升1.8%。純利1億3530億元,按年升1.4%;每股盈利34.3仙。派中期息8仙,按年持平。集團最誘人之處當然是現金滿瀉 直至今年九月底 共有現金32.9億元 而銀行貸款11.15億元 財務淨額21.7億元 比集團總巿值17.34億元還要多。

現價4.4元 巿盈率3.75倍 市賬率0.53倍 股息率7.95%。

3 則留言:

  1. Yeah you're right Billy Sir!

    But ... besides it had "net bank balances & cash" @HK$5.52/share, it also had "Other Financial Assets" totalling HK$1.73B at 30Sep2021, i.e. @HK$4.38/share.

    So, when sum up these two "money worths", that would be
    = HK$5.52 + HK$4.38
    = HK$9.90/share !!!

    Anyway, this time 113.HK only declares same interim dividend @HK$0.08/share, out of the Net Profit @HK$0.343/share.

    It looks the management is quite prudent.

    Let's see whether Mr. Poon is willing to exercise more "share buybacks", or simply privatize the company at some time!
