

金朝陽(878)具備私有化的所有條件及誘因 買了一注與大股東鬥耐性 中午成交僅11手 內有10手是筆者買入 其實金額只是幾皮而矣!

阿里巴巴(9988)股價走勢真係弱得肯 執筆時跌了超過一成 涉及資金可買下兩間長江實業(1113);  碧桂園服務(6098)復牌後 連配股價都守不著 這兩把刀都欠股息支持  我都係不敢接刀。

恆生指數中午收報24874 跌了444點 成交額761億元。 

3 則留言:

  1. I had traded 878.HK for few times(maybe 5~10 times) over past few years(but none in this year).

    I find that it always overvalues its Causeway Bay buildings because the net annual rental incomes derived therefrom are always representing only around 2~3%p.a. returns.

    I think its announced NAV at around HK$70/share might be overvalued by >20%. I revise this to HK$50~55.

    Another question is its management ability. Belivable or not? ... This would be too difficult to say bu us.

    Anyway, 878.HK looks very cheap at HK$7.70!

    Good Luck Billy Sir!^^

    1. Btw, 178.HK's NAV at 30/9/2021 only = HK$0.37/share.

      And it still makes losses and looks no prospects.
