

壞消息不斷 港股開市卻可高開愈三佰點,執筆時升了五百點。筆者總苦口婆心勸網友,就算看淡,做空也要三思,雖然個人估計 個市反彈都不具條件彈太高 但我好可能會看錯 所以自己也不敢做淡。上年(7500)先賺後倒輸的教訓 仍未忘記! 收到嘉里物流特別息14516元,補充了點彈藥。油價個頭話看升,美國只話計劃放些儲備油出來,油價即回順,3桶油股價均有調整。油價走勢 實比股價更為複雜 更難預測。

9 則留言:

  1. Among Blue Chips, I see 386.HK has the highest dividend yield in 2021.

    If Oil Price is at around US$68~US$75, 386.HK's earning abilities in Oil Businesses should be most efficient and effective.

    According to past historical records + 2021 6-months profit + considering past 3 months int'l oil prices, I guess 386.HK will most likely declare 2021 final dividend @RMB0.26/share, so that total 2021 dividends would be RMB0.16+RMB0.26 =RMB0.42/share = HK$0.504(ex. rate @1.20)

    At present market price, at around HK$4, its predicted dividend yield would then be = HK$0.504x90%/HK$4 x 100% = 11.34%pa.(i.e.>11%p.a. !)

    And 386.HK is would be the most biggest China Hydrogen Power Enterprise, a new clean energy in 21st Century.

    P.S. This is just my preliminary prediction and sharing, not an investment recommendation.^^

    1. P.S. As you see above, I have already deducted 10% China Tax in calculating the 2021 expected dividend yield, so this 11%p.a. is totally entitled to it shareholders.

    2. P.S.
      I see in fiscal year 2018, 386.HK's interim dividend + final dividend
      = RMB0.16 + RMB0.26
      = RMB0.42/share.

      It earned RMB616 in that year.(2021's 6-months earned RMB399.54)

    3. To buy the oil shares,I scared too late

    4. It depends on how do you predict the HS Index.

      "If" HS Index can raise to 28000~29000 again, I think most blue chips will give us positive returns if we buy them now.^^

  2. 石油價格上升,不是對386有影響嗎?

    1. It's hard to say in few words!

      You better read all 3 China Oil Enterprises past 5 years financial data(especially Net Profits;Cash & Borrowing Levels) from aastocks.com together with past 5 years Int'l Oil Price Chart.

      Make comparison first to have some basic ideas.

      In particular, you should read their Company Profiles.

      I repeat, this is not an investment recommendation!

    2. P.S. 386.HK had incurred a net loss in 1st half year of 2020 even though the Oil Price had been dropped to US$20 by that time. Think about it!^^
