

恆生指數中午收報24,022 跌553點 成交額661億元。二萬四汲汲可危 RSI更弱得肯 欠北水跌巿半日成交額都有逾六百六十億元,十月份首個交易天就如此😂。恆大物業(6666)的真命天子可能是合生創展(754),想落亦應不關華人置業(127)事 因停牌日有異。

大市唔多妥 沽出AEON(900)增強彈藥,淨袋3261元。感謝網友student推介👍。

5 則留言:

  1. Billy Sir, no need to thank me! I just like to comment on some interested stocks, especially those I've got in hand.^^

    900.HK shall be ex. div.(@HK$0.22/share) on 12Oct2021. I suppose it will declare same amount of final dividend. So, at present market price HK$5.12, its deemed dividend yield will be:

    (HK0.22 + HK$0.22)/(HK$5.12 - HK$0.22) x 100%

    =HK$0.44/HK$4.90 x 100%

    =8.98%p.a. (which is still much higher than many other stocks.)

    1. P.S. "deemed dividend yield" means "on and after ex. div. date(12Oct2021)".^^

    2. 900 too small size not easy to buy or sell .Today I sold 16000shares wait for an hour

    3. Billy Sir,

      This should not be a "problem" to retired persons.

      HK stock market provides 5.5hrs/trading day + >200 trading days/year.

      To me, I have no such "problem" because most of my portfolio stocks are held for long run dividend incomes purpose.^^
