

小米走廉價智能手機路線相當成功 更成了業界王者. 但不明何解 [不務正業]去攪汽車 這將大量寶貴資金去投資一項全新而競爭激烈的行業. 實令人摸不著頭腦. 而其股價仍在52週低位徘徊  亦反影到投資者對其投資汽車製造業 甚有保留. 幸在ATMXJ五大科技股中 小米受反壟斷國策條例影響最微 這點亦值得為其加分.

現價21.65元 巿盈率21.3倍 市值5433億元 五十二週高低位19.86-35.9元

4 則留言:

  1. I wish it would be the world number 1 brand name among all smart phone brands, soon! ... though I have no 1810.HK yet.

    Btw, 900.HK is ex. div.(@HK$0.22/share) today. To me, at HK$5.00 its expected dividend yield would be:

    (HK$0.22 + HK$0.22)/HK$5 x 100% = 8.8%p.a. ... Not bad!^^

    1. Eventually, 728.HK reaches HK$2.80. But maybe this is just a beginning ...

    2. If excluding special dividends, I see 386.HK should have an expected highest dividend yield among all blue chips:~

      At share price HK$4.00 and RMB ex. rate to HKD:1.20,

      (RMB0.16 + RMB0.26)x 1.2 x 90% / HK$4 x 100%

      =11.34%p.a.(already deducting 10% China Tax)^^
