

每次見到這間百貨公司 總覺其始終都會私有化。主業百貨形同雞肋,業運支柱早已由物業投資取代,公司交投疏落,買賣兩難,股價折讓頗大,已失去上巿的意義。近年公司亦不斷在巿場回購股份,價格介乎16.86-19.2元,大股東現佔約62%,預計回購足貨後,就可能會有所行動,有閑錢、有耐性 不妨買些和大股東鬥耐性。

現價17.6元 股息率4.71% 市值51.3億元 市賬率0.268倍。

1 則留言:

  1. I think 289.HK is not easy to be privatized : Those Kwok's family members are seemed not on same thinkings.

    Besides, departmental stores & office letting out are both not attractive assets now in HK.

    113.HK is more likely to be privatized by the major shareholder, Sir Dickson Poon. 113.HK sells luxury goods(e.g. watches & jewellery) which are attractive to HK & China rich people.(See 398.HK & 1929.HK!)

    113.HK is more cash rich (especially in term of "Cash Per Share") than 289.HK.
