

增持小量中移動(941) 貪它穩陣 進可攻退可守 剛收到長和(001)股息3380元。萬洲國際(288)提要約擬回購13%股份 每股作價7.8元 涉資150億元。管理層何必如此心急?大可在市場慢慢回購 省回溢價。這與長實(1113)回購不同 它回購股份是為了收購大股東資產後 不會大幅攤薄每股資產淨值。不少財演話經濟差更有利股市 因央行不敢收水 但筆者總覺得市場愈來愈反智 企業年年賺大錢兼派高息的股價不升 年年燒銀紙 今年蝕少了 就話好消息 股價又炒高!

7 則留言:

  1. Billy Sir,

    Good Morning! Good Day!^^

    I agree with your observation : Nowaday stock markets are full of anti-intellectualism.

    But this provides long run investors good/cheap prices to buy "relatively better" stocks for long run dividends income.

    Just noted 113.HK touching >HK$4.20.(Last week investors can easily bought 113.HK at <HK$4.10 while it "may" have dividend yield of 13.x%p.a. ... while many investors liked 398.HK and 1830.HK more.)

    1. P.S.

      Just guessing:~

      If this time 113.HK also pays special div. @HK$0.20/share, I think its share price may go up to HK$4.87 ... because at HK$4.87 it will still have ex. div. yield of 12.5%p.a.,

      HK$0.55/(HKHK$4.87 - HK$0.47) x 100% = 12.5%p.a.

    2. Other selling points of 113.HK:~

      1. It can be privatized by the major shareholder: Sir Dickson Poon. 113.HK is attractive cause it is "cash rich".

      2. it may declare to exercise "share buybacks" again. It had done so over past few years.

  2. 373.HK has "positive profit alert" ... because of 086.HK's 4-months plentiful operating results.^^

    1. P.S.

      I prefer 086.HK rather than 373.HK.

      086.HK may pay more dividends in this year, maybe HK$0.14 + HK$0.16 = HK$0.30/share.

      If so, 086.HK may touch HK$5 or even standing at >HK$5. Its expected dividend yield would be HK$0.30/HK$5.00 x 100% = 6%p.a.

      I predict 086.HK's NAV shall be at HK12~13/share at end of 2021.
