

又吃雞糊 賣出一千股恆安(1044)連將收股息賺二千六百元 利潤率愈5%。長實集團(1113)回購建議獲4.11億股有效接納,回購建議圓滿結束。這亦意味大股東目的已達, 一切還原基本步 看來市場也受落 長實股價升幅明顯優於同業。市旺時 主板個殼都值幾億元 但現在已沒有這枝歌仔唱 勿再以此為理據買入微細價股。日日觀察粵海投資(270) 因覺抵買 不落注是博被動基金出貨才去撈平貨 但分分鐘會錯失機會 因近日股價象有異動 高追我多數不買。

恆生指數中午收報29,297 升183點 成交額917億元。

7 則留言:

  1. I weigh 086.HK = 3908.HK + 806.HK

    086.HK just announced an "positive profit alert" at lunch time.

    I guess it will pay more dividends in this 2021 year, ... say interim div. + final div. may be HK$0.14 + HK$0.16, i.e. totally @HK$0.30/share, ... so that even at present market price HK$4.30, its ex. div. yield still have:

    HK$0.30/(HK$4.30 - HK$0.30) x 100% = 7.5%p.a.

    1. P.S.

      Some years ago, 086.HK is one of the so called "HongKong 3 Financial Treasures" ... the other two are 626.HK & 900.HK.

      At 31Dec2020, 086.HK's NAV = HK$11.4/share.

  2. HK stock market is full of "cheap & good" stocks.

    811.HK is making new high if including the ex. final div. @RMB0.31/share on 26May2021, ... At present market price, its P/E is still < 5 and it is still "cash rich"!

  3. 粵海投資我講得出做得到已經喺11.02入咗一注
