

希慎投得銅鑼灣加路連山道商廈土地 涉資197.78億元 集團佔60% 連同建築成本及期間利息開支  希慎在這項投資承擔應不少於160億元 有點須要注意 該土地建成的商廈 不能分拆出售 意味要用來收租之用 資金回流較慢。集團去年底總資產高達1097.5億元 淨資產847.49億元 現金淨流入107億元 看來集團早已準備資金去發展這貴重項目 因此這項發展對希慎來說屬零難度。而市場反應亦屬正面 集團股價今早逆市上升 現價28.8元 股息率5% 市值近300億元。

6 則留言:

  1. 佢現有400萬呎樓面
    今次樓面100萬呎 不過今次是合資

    1. 14往績眼光一般,九七年摸頂買了娛樂行,又守不住 低價沽出

  2. I think land cost @HK$18374/sq.ft. in Causeway Bay(Luxury Area in HK) is not expensive, especially when considering:

    1. 012.HK bought Central land @HK$50,XXX/sq.ft. in 2017.

    2. All 014.HK office buildings & malls at Causeway Bay would have at least a "slightly" subjective upward/positive revaluation.

    3. 014.HK still have major controlling interest(60%), while investment cost risk is minimised.

    4. Nowadays, even "Tuen Mun" residential apartments(e.g. Regency Bay) are selling at around HK$20,000/sq.ft. Unless HK residential apartments are "overvalued", I think the market price of HK office buildings & malls are likely be "undervalued" at this moment.

    In short, this investment project to 014.HK is OK.
