座右銘: 要幸福其實好簡單, 與人為善, 好好珍惜已擁有的, 活在當下, 活好每一天。
恆生指數中午收報28,417跌281點 成交額902億元.
股市就係這麼出人意料 當眾人正擔心阿里巴巴(9988)時 它的股價就逆市上升7.1%報233.6元. 罰了逾兩百億元都可以被大行講成是[好消息] 問你服未? 今天增持少量普星能量(090) 但持貨依然是好小注. 銀碼少於3萬元. 美國國債有多少個零都數不清 美刀一出事 必然天下大亂 港元與美金掛鉤 恐怕也走不掉. 以為拜登上場, 中、美兩國會和氣些 怎知! 實在太多事須擔憂吧! 驚都驚不得太多 而且我素來有杞人憂天劣性 都係隨緣吧!
Billy Sir,Just noted about 090.HK from aastocks:Its NAV at 31Dec2019 was RMB2.15/share(=HK$2.40/share).It earned RMB0.27/share for y.e.31Dec2020.But its NAV at 31Dec2020 was dropped to RMB1.42/share.Why so?
Btw, 900.HK(not 090.HK) is "not so bad" today.^^
I got a wrong information from aastock! dec2020 Puxing Energ Nav $1.68(1.42RMB)!
I calcultate this from the balance sheet. RMB1.42/share should be correct, what's wrong ??
Billy Sir,
回覆刪除Just noted about 090.HK from aastocks:
Its NAV at 31Dec2019 was RMB2.15/share(=HK$2.40/share).
It earned RMB0.27/share for y.e.31Dec2020.
But its NAV at 31Dec2020 was dropped to RMB1.42/share.
Why so?
Btw, 900.HK(not 090.HK) is "not so bad" today.^^
刪除I got a wrong information from aastock! dec2020 Puxing Energ Nav $1.68(1.42RMB)!
刪除I calcultate this from the balance sheet. RMB1.42/share should be correct, what's wrong ??