
控制權勝於擁有權 (續)

假如我是一間上市企業的大股東 而企業資產比股票市價折讓一半 我也不會用資金用於回購股票 而會用來發展新業務 使我能控制更多的資產 而不是愈來愈少. 相反原本我已有足夠控制權的資產 再多些控制權亦無大作用 但無控制權的資產 要聽任有控制權者決定 受委屈情況可想而知 這個簡單道理也不難明. 若然回購股票比買入其他資產對大股東更為有利 那麼為何他們不積極去做? 你覺得他們都是傻子嗎? 我們亦應理性明解 大小股東的利益 並非像想象中般一致.

8 則留言:

  1. Most family major shareholders of Hongkong listing companies are seemed quite satisfied with their present status, so that it seems that they are not care of the fluctuating share prices. But is it wise enough?

    Besides running the company's principal business, some big american blue chip listed enterprises(e.g. APPL, BRK) are repeatedly exercise "share buybacks" so as to maximise all shareholders' worth. Their major shareholders now are the richest man in the world.

    Maybe nowadays local rich man do not want to be more "rich on paper surface"? ^^

    1. Remember that😢 there is a difference between control and ownership

    2. Billy Sir,

      I understand your views.^^

      I just think that "share buybacks" is an effective way to maximise "all shareholders wealth" for those "much undervalued" stocks.

      Of course, I just speak out and nothing we can do!^^

    3. P.S. Maybe that's a reason to explain why local listed stocks are so weak, i.e. without competitive strength, in recent years.

  2. 字字珠璣,管理層品格與公司發展性的重要性相同。

  3. 此留言已被作者移除。

  4. Great observation. I totally agree. That's why Steve Jobs didn't buy back Apple stocks when tons of cash were sitting on its balance sheet. By the way, Jobs asked Warren Buffett how to make good use of the extra cash Apple held and Warren advised him to buy back stocks, which he didn't do.
