

Aeon(900)是隻好股 管理層好 公司好 但遇著市勢不好 全非戰之罪. 但炒股不需講義氣 不須與它共患難 見勢色不對 即閃! 待環境轉好時 再買回都末遲. 套現用以補回較早前沽出的鴻興(450)  全年度業績已公佈 高達0.1元的末期息仍末除淨(以等於現價7.57%) 這起碼有高息作安全網.

騰訊(700)外資大股東三年一過即批股 現手上仍有約29% 每三年批一次 每次沽2%都有排沽 三年又三年 騰訊股東真難安眠! 據財演譚紹興說: 騰訊近期有手巨貨存在某美資行內 不久騰訊批股就出現了 譚生暗示另一隻巨企也如此 我上港交所網頁 查到花旗持有阿里巴巴(9988)37.9億股.


鴻興現價1.32元 市盈率10.9倍 股息率9.84% 市值11.98億元.

利益申報: 本人持有鴻興印刷(450)股份權益.

6 則留言:

  1. Billy Sir,

    Good evening.^^

    My opinion is that 900.HK's 2020/21 profit was quite OK, especially if compares with local big banks or retail stocks.

    I see it also has "stronger & healthier" balance sheet than ever before. At 28Feb2021, its NAV = HK$8.17/share ... a new high!

    Yet this time the new management or managing director, who recruited only on 23Jun2020, is "too mean" in the dividend payout percentage.

    In fact, the company has absolute ability to pay same final dividend, i.e. @HK$0.22/share as last year without difficulty. But now it only pays @HK$0.18/share.

    At 28Feb2021, the company had "bank balances & cash" totalling HK$895M. Paying lesser final dividend only saves HK$16.75M, but that the company's history record of "every year paying no less than previous year's dividends" is destroyed.

    I wonder whether its major shareholder, Aeon Inc of Japan, may follow up this issue or not.

    I see 900.HK's accounts are still healthy.

    Good luck to every 900.HK shareholder!^^

  2. B哥,
    Agree strong sell for 900 here.

    1. 為了減4仙 省得多少$ 為省千零萬破戒? 一見此公佈 馬上估出.

  3. 90、331可供參考:
