

營業收入增長6.1%至811億元(人民幣 下同) 股東應佔溢利增長23.1%至64.28億元 股息亦由2019年0.01455元 增至2020年0.02235元. 綜合來看 這份業績尚算不錯.

中國鐵塔(788)業務獨特 生意及客源無憂 又有5G概念 而且股價從高位下調不少 再大跌的空間有限. 但買股當然想買到股價識升的 在此方面鐵塔的確差勁 為此做成蟹民不少 市盈率超過三十倍 以傳統股份來計 亦略厭偏高 集團質素絕無問題 屬實幹型企業 但層層蟹貨 股價升勢阻力重重 只宜有耐性的長線投資者持有.

4 則留言:

  1. I think its not just a matter of "patience" or "long run investment", 788.HK's "much higher" P/E ratio and "much lower" dividend yield when "compare with" 941.HK(a cash rich China biggest telecom enterprise) is not attractive at all.

    I have "more confidence" to hold HK$100,000 of 941.HK rather than HK$20,000 of 788.HK, ... especially for long run dividends income.^^

    P.S."more confidence" can be interpreted as "sleeping well at nights".

    1. Btw, 014.HK & 016.HK shall be ex. div. tomorrow!

      014.HK: HK$1.17/share
      016.HK: HK$1.25/share


    2. More btw,

      If 086.HK can breakthrough the 52-weeks highest, there can be a new adventure!^^
