

恒大汽車(708)遭批評還沒賣一輛車市值就有幾千億元. 昨日股價曾急插逾15% 收市報58.6元 跌7%. 但市值仍達5509億港元. 相較年產逾百萬輛車的藍籌汽車股吉利(175)市值1953億元及電動車龍頭比亞迪(1211)市值1793億元. 兩大車企合計市值 還多出1763億元 頗不合理. 憧憬有別於資產 後者可賣出套現 憧憬則祇講個'信'字 但恒大系股票向必來好公道 只要你能把握到機會 也能帶給你厚利. 不似有些股票 公就他贏 字就你輸!

2 則留言:

  1. My straight talks:~

    For me: if buying listed stocks using belief but ignoring basic accounting data, I can't sleep well at nights.

    Not to say 708.HK, even 1211.HK has long history, its 2020's EPS = RMB1.47/share(HK$1.73/share), i.e. P/E = HK$171.1/HK$1.73 = 98.9!

    And looking back past years' earning ability, I really can't see how attractive of it.

    Anyway, Good luck Everybody!^^
