持貨三個月所賺的 不及今早的升幅 心裏自然多少有點兒不悅. 回顧整個過程 真有意思. 上年十一月 中移動[無喱頭]被美國制栽 股價有了明顯的調整 50元關口都守不著. 我對中移動早有了解 就在49.9元入了三千股 這亦是我慣常於較有信心的股票下的首次注碼. 而已有心理準備 在40元以下溝多注. 當然正確做法理應是[溝上]而不是[溝下]. 但後來真的如願以常 中移動真的調整到價. 可惜陰差陽差 因調款時差買不成 連運都欠埋. 信心多少有點被拙. 股價期後有升有調 三次到50元邊就回調 好象和我有點對著幹. 上星期五出街前開了個高十格的盤53.5元試下 怎知無心插柳 真的成了 天意! 為何係53.5元 又係衰貪意頭 剛能凈袋一萬 多年累計逾十萬元. 你話我多贛居! 其實已有益友(網友student兄)提點我不要沽中移動. 但我一意孤行 怪得誰呀? 怪責別人 雖不對 但心理上或會好過些. 但賺少了已不悅 再怪自己豈不是[傷上加傷] 蝕$不開心 賺得少又自責. 這些蠢事 阿B不會做. 我會阿Q精神想 我更蠢都比49.9元賣貨給我那位人兄精明. 其實開不開心 全在於你對事件的觀點. 我應承過內子要對自己好些 為賺少一萬幾千而不開心超過半小時 那豈不是好對不起自己.
刪除Billy Sir,
回覆刪除Thanks for your sharings. They always remind me of not to sell "good" stocks easily.
May I share my little thinkings:
I think that if investors are prepared to hold a high-dividend-yield stock portfolio for generating future dividends income (passive income), I recommend there are no need always to sell "good" stocks.
I "usually" sell a good stock because I find another/other substitutes and their market prices at that moment are suitable for me to do "stocks switching". After doing so, I still keep my portfolio in almost fully loaded with high-dividend-yield stocks (usually with higher total annual dividend yield than before), ... and not to guess tomorrow market prices nor HS Index.
I find this strategy is workable to me even I am always holding those "old economy" stocks.
I hope all long run value investors can be ultimately successful, ... or at least satisfied with their investment results "in the long run".
Billy Sir, please forgive my straight talks.
I have no more comment at this issue.
Have lunch first!
You are so kindly, thanks
回覆刪除仍會有Fear of missing out
我象你般後生時比你還勇 但現在已無條再勇了.
刪除要贏大$ 就要有勇氣去贏,重注股 人為那部份盡力去深研 你愈了解 就愈有信心去羸多些 其他的就交給老天爺啦!祝你好運.
回覆刪除其實941呢類股係買黎坐, 唔係用黎炒, 所以可以渣耐D既
回覆刪除我之前$110走髀罅滴, $300走港交所, $150走康希...揼心到呢... 你D算小兒科了... :)