

京東集團(9618)擬議分拆京東物流獨立上市, 若分拆完成後, 集團將繼續間接持有京東物流50%以上的股權, 以現時市況 京東物流差不多開甚麼IPO價都會好多人爭, 這對京東集團的裨益可想而知. 早前京東健康(6618)上市甚為成功, 京東集團年度業績已有保障 而其染藍(藍籌股)只是時間問題. 到時又會多了一批被動指數基金買家, 現價408元 破上市以來新高 市值12807億元 為港股第4大市值企業.

以上只屬筆者個人意見 至執筆時本人並無持有上述股份權益.

8 則留言:

  1. Unexpectedly HK credit cards expenditure has improved in 4th quarter 2020: accounts receivable had increased by 3.9% while bad debt provision were decreased from 0.63% to 0.54%.

    We hope 900.HK can breakthrough HK$5.25.


  2. Billy Sir,

    005.HK is now standing at HK$46. I wonder how much dividend it can declare in coming Tuesday when its EPS(Earning Per Share) for 2020 was just around HK$2.

    By contrast, 941.HK is more healthy and attractive. Its EPS might be same as 2019, i.e. RMB5.21/share(= HK$6.25/share at ex. rate 1.20), while it pays annual dividends RMB2.941/share(= HK$3.53/share).^^
