

炒股通常分兩派 (一).圖表派 一切看圖行事 公司質素 平貴 甚麼都不重要 總之破位就追 穿位就沽 這派是基金界的不二之選 易補飯碗呀! 但不要抹殺這派別的優點 早前夠膽買入像美團(3690)般爆升股 多屬此派信徒 而理論上 此派由於嚴守走勢規律 一穿位就沽 輸極[有限]. (二).價值派 以企業能產生多少盈利或資產有多大折讓為本. 此派信徒深信 公司質數 始終能在股價反影出來. 兩派都有其優劣點 難分高下. 但最怕的是信徒只係半桶水 劃虎不成反類貓 這就誤事了 筆者就是典範。

6 則留言:

  1. Billy Sir,

    Good morning!

    To me, I prefer value investment more. This let me sleeping well at nights.^^

    Besides considering an enterprise's profitability and PB, I also consider its "bank balances & cash" and "net cash" level, and past dividend payout records, and expected dividend yield to be declared.

    Btw, 1883.HK shall announced its full year results + final dividend on 4Mar2021 at lunch time.

    1. P.S.

      Judgement dates* are coming!

      *financial accounts announcement dates of listed cos.


    2. I wish 014.HK & 016.HK can be double arrows among local listed property developers/investment companies. I see their financial status & prospects are both positive.

      Amazing! They will be ex. div. on same day: 10Mar2021.^^

  2. 331,今晚出業績,即曰逆市創新高,現價計股息率6.7%,呢隻是我收息倉豐收的一員,以我買入價計股息率是14.7%,暫時不捨得殺雞取卵,留下母雞幫我生金蛋,且看今晚業績如何。
