

京東集團(JD.US)在美國曾跌了>7% 照理它有分拆京東健康(6618)的巨利入賬 溢利已有保障 京東健康市值5257億元 母企京東集團(9618)佔67.89% 我們難以估計其成本價 但京東健康上價70.58元 現價166元 你話京東集團賺了多少 何況有傳京東物流 會在今年稍後上市。剛看競價時段京東集團跌了21元或5.63% 報351.8元。

科技股我不懂 但計數也懂少許 這麼具名望 近年溢利已有保障的科技巨企股 股價難得有較大的調整 不排除會買少注 襯熱鬧。

3 則留言:

  1. 1. Accounting unrealized profit based on market price in one year may turn out unrealized losses in future years.

    2. Though 9618.HK's NAV per share is increased, but is still far below its share price and investors have no interest in NAV of new economy stocks.

    3. 9618.HK is unlikely to sell 6618.HK. 9618.HK have no special dividends to be payable from unrealized profit.

    1. Among those new economy stocks, I prefer 941.HK because I classify 5G as a new economy business.

      941.HK has the "lowest P/E" and "highest dividend yield".

      Besides, I expect its NAV should be >HK$65 at 31Dec2020 and it is cash rich!

    2. I still have 3000 (941)shares
