

往績PE5.93倍 今年預佢跌30% (上半年跌了20%) 都只係7.26倍 股息率8.4% 中期息依然派0.22元 可見管理層好努力想維持派息 但香港內需有多差也不用多說 更好的管理水平 也敵不過大形勢 都係看埋下半年成績才算吧.

現價5.21元 市盈率5.9倍 股息率8.44% 市值21.8億元.

題外話:見網友近期抽新股賺到不少$ 才發覺自己今年只抽中個一隻Peijia 屬歷年最差 今年都係黑仔 望明年好些啦!

4 則留言:

  1. Billy Sir,

    I don't think 900.HK's 2020/21 full year net profit would be decreased by 30%.

    Its 2019/20 yearly profit was HK$3.70. A drop of 30% means its 2020/21 yearly profit will be only HK$3.70 x 70% = HK$2.59.

    Its first 6-months already earned HK$1.52:~
    Mar2020~May2020 HK$0.75
    Jun2020~Aug2020 HK$0.77

    In 2019's 2nd half year there were frequent political events occurred in HK so that the comparative profits were at relatively low figures.

    I "optimistically" guess 900.HK's 2020/21 full year profit may be a drop of 15~20% comparing with 2019/20. It means its NAV/share may be at >HK$0.70/share. Totally yearly dividends @HK$0.44/share should be 90% no problem. In fact, I see the company has conditions to pay more dividends, say @HK0.50/share every year in future.

    Although 900.HK is a "loan shark", many 900.HK cardholders are Aeon Stores(984.HK) customers. It is a "low class" credit cards company, and is a departmental & supermarkets-related stock. Those luxury goods are not the taste of its cardholders.


    1. The 6-months HK Sales figures of 984.HK(Aeon Stores) was increased from HK$2,091,584,000(Jan~Jun2019) to HK$2,423,310,000(Jan~Jun2020).

      P.S. I excluded its China Sales figures because I assume most 900.HK cardholders are Hongkongers.

    2. Correction: I predict 900.HK's 2020/21 EPS(not NAV/share) can be >HK$0.70/share.

    3. AEON is a good stock but is not my cup of tea.
