

AEON(900)是隻優質的小型消費金融股 尤其是其派息政策 更無可挑剔. 集團剛公佈截至今年11月底止首三季業績,營業額8.4億元,按年跌13.8%。純利2.3億元,按年跌17.4%;在此困難時刻 可說非戰之罪 而每股盈利則有55.01仙。若將其化作全年計,每股盈利為73.34仙。集團若要維持全年每股派息0.44元,並不困難。

現價5.24元 市盈率5.93倍 股息率8.39% 市值21.9億元.

5 則留言:

  1. I detail 900.HK's 9-months profits HK$230M as follows:

    1Mar~31May2020: HK$75M
    1Jun~31Aug2020: HK$77M
    1Sep~30Nov2020: HK$78M

    900.HK pays annual dividend @HK$0.44/share is 90% no problem! I think it may even pay more in future years, say yearly @HK$0.50/share is also within its ability.

    I also noted its bank borrowings were decreased from HK$2B(29Feb2020) to HK$1.3B(3oNov2020), i.e. a drop of HK$700,000,000.

    900.HK disclosed its average bank borrowing interest rate is now 2.5%p.a., so it will "save" bank interest expense HK$700,000,000 x 2.5%p.a. = HK$17,500,000 in coming 12 months. And the total bank borrowings can be even lower because it had HK$0.88B "bank & cash balances"(including fixed deposits) at 30Nov2020.

    Or it may exercise "share buybacks" at <HK$6.00, I suggest.


    1. At 30Nov2020, its NAV had been raised to HK$8.13/share.

      P.S. Shareholders had already received 2 times dividends, totalling HK$0.44/share, over past 6 months.

  2. 0900 是收息好股,但缺點成交量低,流動性差

    1. TC Bro.

      As an individual investor, I always ask myself:
      1. how much money I can buy.
      2. how many number of shares I can buy.
      3. how frequent I want to trade(buy & sell), and else... e.g. how much I can loss.

