

受母企被美政府制栽影響 中海油股價跌到一卜一碌 見九個月新低 股價雖殘 但亦無為用手去接跌下的刀 欲低吸者不妨待多一個月 讓美資沽出貨底才算.

現價6.80元 市盈率4.4倍 股息率11.4%* 市值3010億元.

*此乃住績 今年中期息已由0.33元 減至0.2元.

題外話:試吃這稙物午餐肉 口感不錯👍

4 則留言:

  1. Another stock likely to be privatized:~

    Local banks, especially those "Bigs", are hardly managed nowaday, yet 1111.HK opened the 10th branch in Mainland China yesterday.

    I admire 1111.HK for being a real "Greater Bay Area" bank.

    Its major shareholder holds 75% shareholding, while the 2nd major shareholder holds 7.2%. They are of same Group.

    It seems the major shareholder needs "not much money" to privatize it.


  2. 其實, 呢款肉都唔係太健康, 有心血管疾病及膽固醇問題的人要小心 https://www.weekendhk.com/1077592/dining/%e6%96%b0%e9%a4%90%e8%82%89-%e5%81%a5%e5%ba%b7-%e8%84%82%e8%82%aa-%e5%8d%88%e9%a4%90%e8%82%89-ctb04/6/
