

領展(823)為全港質素最佳 市值最大的房產信託 中期業績亦算有所交待 在此困難時刻 可分派總額只微降1.5%至29.21億元 (包括有一筆1.44億元非經性酌情分派). 每單位可分派則增加0.1%至$1.4165  期間回購了不少股份亦是原因之一(回購價格由$61.1-$73.6) 領展最新物業估值1951億元  每單位淨值$74.6 買得房託者多為收息 這點領展做得甚好 而其股價向來比其他房託為[貴] 亦確有其道理 個人認為領展頗為適合投資者 逢低累積 作為將來退休吃息之用. 

現價62.7元 股息率4.58%  市值1293億元 為藍籌股俱樂部 唯一房託(Reits)代表.

5 則留言:

  1. Billy Sir,

    014.HK's NAV is roughly the same as 823.HK.(HK$70~HK$75)

    and 014.HK has higher dividend yield than 823.HK.

    Now 014.HK's market price is only around HK$26.25 while 823.HK is around HK$62.70.

    As such, I prefer to have 014.HK rather than 823.HK, especially for long run investment.


    1. P.S. I see 823.HK's "Bank balances & cash" was dropped from HK$7.877B(31Mar2020) to HK$1.814B(30Sep2020)!

      This was due to 823.HK had bought 2 overseas properties, totally HK$6.729B cash outflow during this 6-months period.(Note 26 to the financial statements mentioned.)

    2. P.S. Two overseas properties:

      1. "100 Market Street" in Sidney.
      2. "The Cabot" in London.

      Btw, I don't know whether or not this is good time to acquire overseas properties under COVID-19.

  2. 领展出出入入赚咗两三转,之前呢注59个一毫半入咗今朝早喺66个六毫半已经食咗糊,中午收市已升穿左67文,希望有机会再买返。
