

東方報業(018)今早逆市升一成 其一可能是恢復派送中期息 另一可能是有私有化的憧憬 2009年大股東提出私有化 每股作價0.95元 當年大股東持有61.45% 而當時東方報業Nav1.16元; 現今大股東持有64.75% 東方的Nav0.727元 市價0.44元 看似更具私有化條件.

而另一消息指 集團約64.75%股權轉移至大股東馬氏家族信託人名下 這亦表明大股東打算長期持有東方股權.

當然上述全是本閑人的猜測 成事機會頗低 而本人至執筆時並無持有上述股份櫂益.

3 則留言:

  1. To share my little thinkings about 018.HK:~

    Interim div. HK$0.02 ...
    Final div. ?

    I think some investors may assume final div. "may" still pay HK$0.02. If so, total annual dividends would be HK$0.04/share.

    Now 018.HK is trading at HK$0.44, so that "expected" dividend yield "may be" = 0.04/0.44 = 9.09%p.a. ... seems quite attractive?

    But, if we look at the income details of these 6 months results, there were HK$31.713M Government Subsidies(from HK & Australia Gov't) and HK$28.262M foreign currency exchange gain. Hence, if excluding these two figures, the interim profit would be only HK$27.348M(now reported HK$87.323M), i.e. @HK$0.0114/share.

    My conclusion is: the coming final dividend "may not" be $0.02/share.

    P.S. At 30Sep2020, 018.HK's net cash per share was 6.3838/23.97918 = HK$0.266/share.

  2. Btw, if UA Finance acquires PrimeCredit, it will be the local No.1 "loan shark".

    UA Finance belongs to 086.HK.
