

 獲利2600元 多謝網友student提點👍

4 則留言:

  1. No thanks to me at all!
    Your money + Your courage = Your Gain/Loss

    113.HK shall announce its interim results in this evening. It has no positive nor negative profit alert yet. I have no idea except "restudying" company's latest balance sheet(31Mar2020) and "believing" Sir Dickson Poon.

    1. Billy Sir,

      May be/May not be! We are not insiders.

      Unless you believe Sir Poon & his management are honest & fair to minor shareholders, I believe you can't hold 113.HK for years.

      For you, this is just a game. I believe you will not care of it.

  2. Billy Sir,

    113.HK just announced its 6-months results(upto 30Sep2020):~

    Profit growth = 12.1%
    EPS(6-months only) = HK$0.339/share
    Interim dividend = HK$0.08/share(same as 2019's)

    At 30Sep2020,
    NAV = HK$29.38/3.942 = HK$7.45/share
    Net Cash Per Share =HK$(33.685 - 9.458)/3.942 =HK$6.146/share

    My comment: At hard times, 113.HK still earns profits and pays dividends. It still has a very healthy financial position.
