

網友student推介迪生與金朝陽 我選前者 不選後者 兩者同是大折讓冷門股 雖然後者折讓更吸引 但博其私有化同樣係靠運 而前者明顯較為善待小股東.

迪生(113)現價3.75元 市盈率2.3倍 股息率14.66% 市值14.78億元 每股資淨值7.54元 其中現金成份頗重.

金朝陽(878)現價6.9元 市盈率8.96倍 股息率2.89% 市值19.55億元 每股資淨值72.6元.

利益申報: 本有持有迪生創建股票權益. 


2 則留言:

  1. Billy Sir,

    Over past 6 months, Madam Foo(major shareholder) repeatedly bought more shares of 878.HK from open market. If privatization is not her intention, I guess she may increase the annual dividend in future years. Now is only @HK$0.2/share.

    Otherwise, I can't think any reason of her "shopping" action.

    Of course, my prediction can be wrong!

    Good night & luck!

