

陽光房地產信託基金(435) 剛公佈最新一季(9月底)報告 整體出租率由95.7% 降至85.1% 足足降了10.6% 陽光所持有的寫字樓及商場均屬乙類貨式 這反而在經濟不景時更具抗跌力 但出租率都如此 可見有關行業 前景甚不樂觀 房託的支出一般頗為固定 節流空間有限 加上資金年年派盡 不像收租股有儲備可撥出派息 陽光未來減派息已在所難免 看來其他房託成績也不會好到那裏.

後記: 網友student提點 最近出租率已有所改善 升至91% 當然確實財務表仍末能看到 估計減租爭客少不了.

2 則留言:

  1. Billy Sir,

    I read from aastocks.com:~

    This 85.1% was the situation as at 30Sep2020, not the whole period 1Jul~30Sep2020.

    435.HK has explained the reason, ... and this figure has already raised to 91% in October due to a new tenant Dah Sing Bank.

    435.HK's malls tenancy are still quite stable in this quarter, ... so that 823.HK & 778.HK might be OK.


    P.S. I have no 435.HK.
