

工商銀行(1398) 市價$4.42(港元`下同) PE4.59倍 Yield6.64% Nav$8.39

建設銀行(939) 市價$5.56 PE4.73倍 Yield6.43% Nav$9.90

農業銀行(1288) 市價$2.69 PE4.08倍 Yield7.55% Nav$6.22

中國銀行(3988) 市價$2.56 PE3.75倍 Yield8.33% Nav$7.02

四大內銀行今日股價都有不錯的升幅 由3.2%-5.7% 以它們超巨的規模來說 頗為不錯. 全球銀行業都處寒冬期 但四大內銀全屬國企 亦係中國經濟命脈所在 中央政府必然會多加照顧 不會讓它們有較大的閃失 這點與西方銀行 一切以利益為重有所不同.

四行規模有多大? 總資產合共¥103萬億人民幣 (工行最大佔301,094億; 建行254,362億; 農行248,782億; 中行227,697億). 

我對內銀的評價沒有立場 提供了有關數據供網友參考一下而矣! 

7 則留言:

  1. Their updated P/E ratios should be higher while dividend yields should be lower in this 2020.

    In considering the performance of China Stock Markets in this 3rd quarter of 2020(1Jul~30Sep2020), ... and also considering the share price difference between H share and A share, ... at this moment, ... I prefer to hold 2628.HK.

    Just my thinkings. This is not a recommendation.

    1. Do you think you can get low PE & high yield without any risk ?

    2. Billy Sir,

      My little thinkings are:

      If "without any risk" = no risk, I am still cannot find any "investment" is without any risk. Even our bank savings account money are now guaranteed HK$0.5M by our Government.

      "Low PE & high yield" together with "tolerable risk levels" are some factors I may consider, ... but of course, there are other numerous factors, e.g. LUCK!

      Ready to sleep at 11p.m., so
      Good Night!

      & Enjoy your weekend!


  2. 內銀的風險:壞帳、減派息、制裁、開放市場、線上金融、低利率
