

收息股要有兩個好重要條件 一. 管理層作風王道 二. 公司有條件持續穩定派息 至於公司規模及知名度 反屬次要 知名度低 通常價格也較便宜.

香港小輪(050) 近年派息每股0.38元 涉資1億3538萬元 集團持有8億8961萬元存款 兼零銀行負債 單這筆資金都夠派六年多股息 而集團每年在正常情況下 約有1.4億元租金收入 加上渡輪 非經常性的賣樓 股息 等收益. 只要管理層願意 要維持現有派息率並無難度. 每股資產淨值約17元 比現價折讓頗大 具有私有化憧憬.

現價6.04元 市盈率15.9倍 股息率6.3% 市值21.5億元.

網友student多次推介鴻興印刷(450) 先看其最大賣點 上年底持有淨現金9.65億元 已比整間公司市值為高 本身則是一間年入30億元工業集團 雖然業績欠穩定 但一向善待小股東 派息頗為慷慨 公司估值吸引 可惜規模較小兼作風低調 買賣兩難.

現價1.01元 市盈率12倍 股息率9.9% 市值9.17億元. 

6 則留言:

  1. Good morning Billy Sir!

    About 450.HK, I want to share my thinkings:~

    Although 450.HK is a small-sized listed company, individual investors are not difficult to buy/sell it at +/- HK$0.01.

    (Usually us individual investors are just trading HK$20,000 ~ HK$200,000 in one deal.)

    On the other hand, super-sized 700.HK may suddenly + >HK$20 or - >HK$20 (around 4% of HK$520) on next day after we buy it, ... which stands for +/- HK$0.04 of 450.HK!


    450.HK's selling points include:

    1. cash rich (At 31Dec2019, Net Cash Per Share > HK$1/share) + low PB (At 31Dec2019, NAV = HK$3.50/share).

    2. it had sold factory lands in Wuxi,China for RMB296M in this 2020. Cash received/receivable in this 2020 & 2021. Profits shall be accounted for accordingly.

    3. it still have 4~5 factories/godown in China.(These are hidden assets.) It also have a new Vietnam factory since 2019. Its headquarters is still at Tai Po,HongKong.

    4. its principal businesses are turning good since 2019. Jan~Jun2019: earned HK$5M ; Jul~Dec2019: earned HK$71M.

    If no COVID-19 in future, I expect 450.HK may earn HK$150M~200M/year, i.e. EPS around HK$0.20/share. If so, it can pay even more cash dividends, I mean >HK$0.10 per share per annum. (Of course not guaranteed!)

    5. This year 2020 is 450.HK's 70th anniversary.

    Too much words, thanks for reading!


  2. 很多收息股的資產淨值和息率都很不錯,可作長線收息和博私有化用,50應是其中之一,但一般每日的交投量颇低。

  3. 50號如果出咗屯門項目
