

匯豐(005)一開市就跌破青姐的眼淚價33元 報32.95元 2008年匯豐33元是在競價時段出現 而今日的32.95元 卻在現價成盤 我雖早已沽清匯豐 但始終係多年愛股 何況家兄仍持貨頗重 內心實不好受.
現價32.95元 市盈率14.1倍 股息率7% 市值6817億元.

6 則留言:

  1. Shareholders of HSBC should have mental preparation of 005.HK may touch HK$28.

    It will have many redundancy and restructuring costs.

    Its future "Dividend Per Share" will not be more than its "Net Profit Per Share". I predict it can only pay annual dividend @US$0.25/share, i.e. cut half!

    1. Among local listed banks, I think 1111.HK may be is the best.

      It is a Greater Bay Area stock. Its parent company have solid background in Greater Bay Area cities. I see 1111.HK's businesses have been transformed over past 2 years.


    2. Its size is compared with 2356.HK.

      1111.HK earned HK$1193M in 2015 and earned HK$1901M in 2019, while 2356.HK earned HK$2240M in 2019.

      626.HK is the smallest. 626.HK only earned HK$466M in 2019.


    3. P.S. The most important is not the size. I have considered 1111.HK's business growth prospects.
