

渣打集團(2888)上半年利息收入減少9%; 其他收入增19%; 基本經營收入80.47億元(美元 下同)增5% 表面上可說不過不失 問題在於壞賬減值由2.54億元增至15.67億元 這亦使溢利減少30%至10.66億元. 息差收窄 經濟衰弱 有$冇人借 有人冇$借 壞賬撥備又有惡化跡象 與匯豐般一樣 身為英資卻在香港有大量權益 遇正中西方政府交惡 夾在其中 兩面不是人 難會有好日子過.
現價42.55港元 市盈率9.58倍 股息率1.28% 市值1342億港元.

3 則留言:

  1. For nowadays HK listed banks, maybe some medium size banks(e.g. 2356.HK, 1111.HK) are better than those international super sized(e.g. 005.HK & 2888.HK).

    2356.HK has chance of selling out by major shareholder.

    1111.HK has chance of privatization by major shareholder. Its major two shareholders already hold totally 82.21% !


  2. Unexpectedly, 1373.HK(JHC) leads 984.HK(Aeon Store) to raise up, and see whether 984.HK may lead 900.HK(Aeon Credit) to raise up as well.

