

零售生意業績差勁已係意料之內 柬方表行(398)也不能幸免 20年度收入微跌3.5%至23.5億元 溢利亦由1.38億元降至9910萬元 全年派息0.245元 含特別息 東方表行最大賣點係派息慷慨 集團財政良好 亦有能力派發高息.
現價1.96元 市盈率11.2倍 股息率12.5% 市值11.18億元

5 則留言:

  1. For local retail stocks, I only have 113.HK & 398.HK. I got them for more than 2 years ... for receiving cash dividends. They are "real cash rich" stocks and surprisingly they could still earn profits over past one year!

    I have none of those famous retail stocks such as 178.HK; 999.HK; 709.HK; 1830.HK; ... which were always recommended by analysts over past years.

    In short, investment is lonely!


    1. P.S. Btw, 900.HK is already ex. div. (@HK$0.22/share) today.

  2. Student Sir, Thanks for your recommendation on 900.
    In addition, do you have any comments on those of ATM.

    1. Hi Ray,

      Firstly, no need to thank me. You use your own money to invest in those stocks which you have confidence. You are the only person(and your family) to enjoy your investment returns.

      For those ATM or new economic stocks, my comment is: I have no any recommendation at all. Honestly speaking: not recommending you "to buy" or "not to buy".

      I think every investor knows that "most of them"(not all!) have high profit growth rates. Every investor knows that they only have little NAV/share, and that they have little or even no dividend, ... yet they are welcomed by investors. I have no argument on these facts.

      My long run strategy is to hold those good managed and profits-making(in most years) enterprises, and with relatively high dividend yields, and relatively low PB ... so that I can sleep well at nights. That's why America stocks markets are not suitable for me, ... cause I really like sleeping well at nights!

      Thanks Ray! and thanks Billy Sir to let me share my personal thinkings here.

      Good Luck Everybody!


  3. Student Sir, Your comments match my view,(especially in long run strategy). Thanks.

    And thanks Billy Sir for letting us to talk here too.
