

樓下商場又[吉]了幾間舖 全部係個體戶 真希望地產商不要太短視 寧願空置都不肯減多些租 商場愈多空舖 就愈難吸引客人. 肯定會惡性循環 地產商收少些租係賺多賺少問題 我就算係公司股東也會諒解兼不反對 但對那些商場個體戶來說 租金多少可能係涉及開飯問題 .
網友[student]時常推介的-迪生創建 剛公佈全年業績 大數就算不去看 只計全年派息增加57.1%*及公司持有22.6億元淨現金已夠賣點.
現價4.69元 市盈率2.86倍 股息率11.82% 市值18.5億元

7 則留言:

  1. Not just HK$22.62, at 6Apr2020 it sold Alibaba in USA for HK$0.759 so that updated Net Cash Per Share

    = (22.62 + 0.759)/3.942
    = HK$5.93/share !!

    Besides, at 31Mar2020 it had "Other Financial Assets" HK$14.35(see Note 9 to financial accounts), i.e. 14.35/3.942

    =HK$3.64/share !!


    1. P.S.
      3.942 is the total number of issued ordinary shares of the company, i.e. 394,202,808

    2. Another selling point of 113.HK is that it is willing to exercise "share buy-backs" and this can maximise the NAV Per Share.

    3. If investors compare 113.HK with some so called "famous" local retail stocks such as 178.HK, 709.HK, we can find that the NAV/share of 178.HK & 709.HK were decreasing over past 5 years, but 113.HK was "gradually increasing" from HK$5.30/share(31Mar2016) to HK$7.54/share(31Mar2020).

      P.S. From aastocks.com

    4. P.S.
      Of course, the most important factors for a successful enterprise are good management and the ability to make profits.

    5. My last words:
      Share price is unpredictable and uncontrollable by us single individual investors.

      Good Luck Everybody!

