

領展(823)發盈警 但主要是涉及物業估值預期下跌*和支援商戶計劃開支 但董事會亦預期截至2020年3月31日止年度之可分派收入仍將維持穩定. 的確利害 在此惡劣經營環境仍能保持到派息不大減 逆景都如此 環境若轉好必定[不得了] 難怪多年來深受投資者擁戴.
現價67.2元 市盈率7倍 股息率4.035% 市值1382億元
*預計估值下跌12% 由2204億元調整至1932億元

2 則留言:

  1. Many mall tenancy agreements are 3 years. So every year (i.e. every 12 months) the renewals are only around 1/3.

    The challenge should be continued in coming 2.5 years!


    At present market prices, I prefer 016.HK. 016.HK have both properties selling business and property investment(i.e. earning rental incomes) business, both in HK and Mainland China.
