

87001的確有派息減少之風險 但股價亦已有足夠反影 況且收租始終係門較易營運和穩定的行業 匯賢產業屬長江集團聯營 能給投資者較強的信心 致於旗下主要資產-北京東方廣場 須於2049年無條件交回政府 那也是很久以後之事 但你若想將87001留給子孫的話 就必須要特別注意 匯賢產業交易及派息均以人民幣為單位 頗為適合想在內地過退休生活者持有.
現價¥2.26 市盈率27.1倍 股息率9.63% 市值¥133.4億

3 則留言:

  1. Billy Sir,

    I think "safety" is most important.

    PE = 27
    Div. Yield = 9.6%p.a.(especially this was for 2019, not 2020!)
    I wonder whether 87001.HK is safe or not.

    Why not consider 001.HK if investors have confidence on Li's family?

    Or considering 016.HK which have many China luxury properties, mainly malls and office buildings, in major cities.

