

匯控末期息除淨後才買入的投資者, 理論上有著數, 但看圖才發現, 他們比沽貨者還蝕得多! 一句講晒, 匯豐擁躉冇人跑得掉, 當然包括本人, 但激氣有何用? 股市就係這麼不公平. 但要反問自己, 為何仍留戀股場?
九0年代初我被華置弄到失眠了半個月, 九八年又被百富勤激到生蝦般跳, 股票不同住房, 不是必需品. 一世不買股票也不會有問題, 可能更有利健康, 起馬少樣事動氣. 但留得在股埸, 就應預了會遇到甚多不平事, 動氣傷吾到這些壞公司, 只會傷害到你自己.  但除了不忿外, 我們這些小股民可做甚麼? 都係那句, 股場這麼不公和黑暗, 為何仍留戀? 我自己心中早已有了答案, 但你呢? 我一向直言, 得罪勿怪!

7 則留言:

  1. 大貓這件事讓我思考股票的本質,我覺得大公司的債券可能是較好的投資產品

    1. 債和股不同,債除非槓杆,否則難賺大$,不利累積資本.

  2. Billy Sir,

    I still suggest "sophisticated individual investors"(Why not to newcomers? ... because newcomers need time to familiar with the market and individual stocks.) can hold a "long run" stocks portfolio for "long run" dividends income. But just "buy & hold" is not enough, ... it should be subject to "stocks switching" when necessary. In fact, I had sold all 005.HK(@HK57.05) on 19Feb2020, i.e. the next day it announced its 2019 full year results. I also got some losses in this deal.

    Why I sold 005.HK? ... because before I didn't expect it had such significant Europe Goodwill being written off, ... and it earned just HK$2~3/share for 2019 (Though it pays dividends @HK$4/share every year, where is the money from? ... just from reserves!) ... and it disclosed it still had 100B foreign risky assets to be written off, and it have to lay off around 35,000 employees in coming 2 years, ...

    I had switched the roughly same money to other high dividend yield stocks, 086.HK ,1883.HK. I expect no less than dividends from 005.HK are receivable from the laters. Though the share prices of these two stocks also went down recently, but I have much confidence in their businsesses than HSBC.

    This is just my little sharing.

    I am still suffered "accounting losses" in my stocks portfolio this year(2020), but my expected total annual dividends income is still going up. I always do reinvestment(i.e. buying more stocks) once I receive cash dividends from portfolio members.

    Have lunch first. Good Luck!


    1. P.S. My investment decisions are only responsible to myself. ^_^

    2. I agree. Your investment decisions are only responsible to yourself.

  3. 我覺得通常自己蝕底時,先會諗公平,自己有好處時,係唔會諗邊個蝕左,同為他人抱不平,有既都係花生mode,或少數狂熱者。


    1. 世上那有完美之事,我在股市被氣時,就會想 若我一直無炒股,現在大有可能仍要在工作,住在公屋裏.
