

杜指跌近千, 港股ADR也跌了半千, 看來稍後開市都吾謊會好到那裏, 我的投資組合只做了少許對沖, 看來做得不足. 歐美疫情空前嚴峻, 海外親友開始儲糧, 歐洲銀行不派息, 多國都封關, 內需經濟更乎災難性損失, 製造業也好不到那裹, 非必需品需求必大減, 全球經濟可能會相當差勁, 惟一不同的就係全球央行都QE, 印鈔多到有可能通貨膨脹失控也在所不惜, 但病重只好下重藥, 這也是無辨法中的辨法. 香港除了疫情 經濟 還有一籮籮的政治問題待解決, 奉勸網友投資要保守為上, 因這條路既長且十分難行.

5 則留言:

  1. 1929 America's unemployment rate was >25%. Nowaday is still far away from this. I think we shouldn't much worry about.

    Yet investment is another thing. It involves psychology and lucks. So, Good Luck!


    1. P.S.

      Billy Sir,

      This time most HSBC "long run shareholders" are also losing confidence on it. And nowsday international banking businesses are not easy to manage dut to so many banking regulations and political involvement.

      Why not consider "switching" the money to another/others, especially there are plenty of "relatively cheaper" blue chips now, e.g. 001.HK; 1038.HK? ... or if just looking for long run dividends income, 900.HK has a comfortable market price now.

    2. P.S. My suggestions may be totally wrong, but I really have 001.HK & 900.HK now. You think thoroughly first!

    3. P.S. I prefer to hold "low P/E + low PB + high dividend yield + good management" stocks.
