

在此段艱難時刻, AEON能維持派息額, 投資者理應滿意了, 同係預為收息股, 匯豐和AEON一大一細, 表現就差天共地. AEON上年度溢利減少, 主因為減值準備多了5502萬元, 這以佔集團總溢利近15%, 在現今如在此惡劣經濟環境下,也值得諒解, AEON是好公司, 現價也好合理, 只差的係香港經濟環境變好.
現價5.24元 市盈率5倍 股息率8.4% 市值22億元

7 則留言:

  1. 900.HK is a very "healthy" company.

    It earned profits every year since listing(should be 1995).

    It has solid dividend payout history.

    Its bank borrowings have been decreasing every year by year.

    EPS = HK$0.884/share(i.e. P/E=5.9)

    Total year dividends = HK$0.44/share(i.e. dividend yied=8.4%p.a.)

    NAV = HK$7.91/share(at 29Feb2020)

    It is a very "clean" company. All profits are derived from principal businesses: local credit cards and loan business.

    Nowadays I think holding 900.HK is "better + safer" than holding traditional banks.


  2. 回覆
    1. Billy Sir,

      I think 900.HK's size is not the no. 1 important to us individual investors. We usually just buy/sell <HK$100,000 for any stock. And if so, it is not difficult to buy/sell 900.HK in every trading day.

      The most important is the quality of our buying targets.

      HSBC is of super size, but it only brings us losses and suffering!

      Good night & luck!


    2. You are right,HSBC is a good lesson for us

    3. P.S. In such poor local environment (Local Protestors + COVID-19) during fiscal year ended 29Feb2020, Aeon Credit in fact presented us an outstanding financial performance.

    4. P.S. In harsh time it already earned HK$0.884/share and pays us HK$0.44/share. If at normal, ... Let us imagine ...

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