

太古公司發出通告, 料今年上半年經常性業績將大幅倒退, 此乃意料之事, 太古係大型綜合性企業, 涉及地產, 航空, 實業, 海洋服務......與香港經濟息息相關, 太古管理層質素良好, 只待香港經濟回復正常, 公司盈利必能回升, 有異於一般三, 四線股, 可能跌就有佢份, 升就無緣. 其實太古理應售出國泰航空權益, 套回約二百億元, 發展別的更有前景行業, 而A, B股若能合併, 也可使其交易更合理化.

4 則留言:

  1. Billy Sir,

    It's difficult to sell 293.HK in "good price" now!

    And we all see that pure HK economy is ... (You may fill in any words.)

    Luckily, I believe China economy will be greater and greater in the rest of our life. And our HS Index will be benefited by those 700.HK; 9988.HK; etc.


    1. yes is very difficult to sell 293 now

    2. PLs go to street take a look , you can see what happen now

    3. Usually I go outside(with surgical face masks) twice everyday for buying foods and doing body exercises.

      At markets and malls, I see many HKers(also with masks) are with nervious eyes and are looking for masks, toilet papers, bleach, etc. ... seems so sad.

      Luckily I believe my long run stocks portfolio members will give me satisfactory dividend incomes, and I am optimistic in China economy.

