

三個賊仔持刀搶劫超市廁紙, 若係獨行賊去幹, 還可理解為精神科問題, 但3位刀客! 不談對錯, 只衡量付出對得益, 怎計也是不值得. 終於明解現時政經皆百孔千瘡, 但股市仍有得升的原因.
年過花甲還送花真肉麻, 我真的聽過不少, 一般想法係未追到, 當然要落重本, 追到了為何仍要這麼費心? 我的想法係若不惜重本去追, 若失敗豈不是血本無歸, 相反若成功了, 她就真係你的, 你若用心去對待, 得益肯定比你想象中多得多, 而且伴侶不同兒女, 冇血緣關係, 若不幸遇到個瘋的, 如何付出都得不到應有回報, 大可壯士斷, 女人條件更好追不到都係別人的, 只有妻子才係自己的, 況且兩夫妻一世流流長, 只講柴米油烹, 未免有負人生.
每逢心情不佳, 必然胡思亂想, 亂發嗑風!

4 則留言:

  1. Billy Sir,

    We like to listen your crazy talks!


    3 Fools! Just around HK$2000! It is a criminal offence!


    Though HK economy is poor, I believe our China economy will still be greater and greater in the rest of my life.

    Luckily our HS Index have two top China dragon heads: 700.HK & 9988.HK (Thanks China!), and most H shares are still have much discounts c.f. same A shares.

    This 2020, I still "imagine" HS Index's target: 36000~38000

