

2004年平安保險(2318)以10.33元上市, 連恆地亦入票7.8億元認購, 但首日上市卻曾跌破上市價, 頗令人失望. 幸路遙知馬力, 2015年平安1送1股, 今早股價終破百元, 進身為[紅底股], 持股16年股價升了約19倍, 這還不計十多年來所收的股息, 充份顯示出Buy & Hold的威力.

1 則留言:

  1. "Buy & Hold" is not easy and there is no guarantee for sure win.

    I remember before 2318.HK declared 1 to 1 bonus shares, 005.HK sold 2318.HK at around HK$58. Am I right?

    This "buy & hold" strategy is suitable for receiving long run dividends income, but I add "stocks switching" to it.

