

萬邦投資(158)剛公佈截止9月底全年度業績, 公司業務超簡單, 僅持兩幢商廈收租,收入2.26億元,全公司17個職員,少過我樓下間茶餐廳. 本來都無乜好談, 但吸引我的眼球的是收租物業重估須大撇帳, 減值高達7億逾元, 上年則有約21.5億元增值, 這批物業最新估值89.7億元. 這無疑為一眾地產股響起警鐘, 物業大撇帳潮將無何避免.

2 則留言:

  1. Billy Sir,

    That's why so many listed property developers/investment companies are trading at significant discounts of NAV. The market prices have been reflecting this.

    So, no worry, especially for those with low gearing ratios and strong cash inflows enterprises, e.g. 016.HK.

    Good Night & Luck!

