座右銘: 要幸福其實好簡單, 與人為善, 好好珍惜已擁有的, 活在當下, 活好每一天。
Billy Sir,The following were Aeon Credit(900.HK)'s last fiscal year "quarterly net profits" analysis:-1Mar2018~31May2018 HK$1.19 (while 1Mar2019~31May2019 HK$1.07)1Jun2018~31Aug2018 HK$1.121Sep2018~30Nov2018 HK$1.021Dec2018~28Feb2019 HK$1.04You can see that last year 1st Quarter's profit was exceptionally high.So I must say that this year's HK$1.07 is actually not bad!^_^
I agree. Good Stock
Billy Sir,
回覆刪除The following were Aeon Credit(900.HK)'s last fiscal year "quarterly net profits" analysis:-
1Mar2018~31May2018 HK$1.19 (while 1Mar2019~31May2019 HK$1.07)
1Jun2018~31Aug2018 HK$1.12
1Sep2018~30Nov2018 HK$1.02
1Dec2018~28Feb2019 HK$1.04
You can see that last year 1st Quarter's profit was exceptionally high.
So I must say that this year's HK$1.07 is actually not bad!
I agree. Good Stock