

個人不大喜歡周六, 周日, 又無股炒, 出街人車都多. 昨晚追套舊劇House of card, 頭幾集有點悶, 但愈看就愈精彩, 若然美國政客都有劇中人般的政治智慧, 中,美貿易戰, 中方就真的難以樂觀.
我是個悲觀主義者, 凡事總向壞的方面想, 內子也常勸說, 悲觀/樂觀好多時,都不能改變結果, 做人為何不樂觀些? 道理我當然明白, 但若三言兩語就能改變個人的性格就好了.
記得有位生性樂觀的友人, 前時做了一件對我來說是在玩命的危險事, 先買後沽樓, 他在樓價[高位]時, 簽約買了個新單位, 但因未能即時入伙, 他選擇hold多舊單位兩年才沽, 理由是費事租屋住! 他夠運期間樓價持續上升, 結果賺多幾十萬兼省回兩年租金.
我看過一單類似的case, 發生在1998年, 結果主人翁家破人亡, 識驚是好事或壞事, 一時間也很難說得清楚.

4 則留言:

  1. I have said ~ To sell an self-use apartment is an big issue! ... "think" it carefully before make the decision.

    For stocks investment, "value investors" should be optimistic in long run's thoughts. But I am not saying just "buy and hold" shares.

    "Value investors" are different from "valuation investors". The former buys "relatively cheaper" stocks while the later guesses a particular stock's "future" market price. The fact is that "future" is unpredictable.

    Long run value investors can do "stocks switching" in order to maximise returns or minimise losses.

    "Stocks switching" is different from "stocks trading". The former is "always holding" a significant quantity of stocks while the later is "always holding cash".

    Be optimistic!


    1. 你這麼多真知綽見, 應早已賺到盆滿缽滿, 英雄出少年, 令人羨慕呀!

  2. 香港真係太迫了, 每天都要迫車迫路, 連想行快兩步追車都唔得
    早排去到澳洲布里斯本旅行, 那邊的密度比剛剛好, 即使是上班黃金時間, 走在街上, 仍能以"不用就住前面的人"的速度來行, 退休之後希望不用留在香港

    1. 我有些在歐美的老友, 成日都想返香港生活!
