

執筆時騰訊ADR報$287.75, 比香港收市價高出$15.55或4.44%. 相信今日不用等到9.30am開市, 不少熊證已被收回, 這也是我寧買認股証的主因.
整個股市的焦點都在月尾中'美兩國元首的會談結果, 大市會超波動, 散戶若玩衍生工具應要更為小心.
據聞不少知名公司也厭中區租金太貴, 而計劃遷去太古坊, 這無疑對太古地產(1972)十分有利, 但在地產板塊中, 個人仍認為首選依然是龍頭-新地(016).

8 則留言:

  1. Billy Sir,

    Good morning!

    Yes, 016.HK is the best.

    The selling point is its malls, somewhat like 823.HK, but in gorgeous dress up and with higher dividend yield.


    1. 可惜若計埋自住物業,地產權益佔我財產頗重比例,再加注地產股時會謹慎些.

    2. Billy Sir,

      Just to express my little ideas ~

      I think you should not classify self-use properties as investment assets. My target is to maximise yearly dividends income and to maximise overall stocks value as well.

      And I also "don't" think you have to add more 016.HK at this moment.

      I say 016.HK is the best among those "local bigs" and you have already got a little of it. Now that HK interest rate is going up and real estate market is turning down. There are risks ahead.

      And there are plenty of "good" stocks (with div. yield >6%p.a.) nowadays.

      Only when you become "optimistic" and are prepared to "hold" a certain amount (say HK$2M) of stocks in long run's thought (but subject to "stocks switching", I always say so) may you consider to buy more 016.HK.

      Just all my thinkings.

      Good Luck!


    3. 我想法與你有點不同,假設我沽了自置物業,必重注16.

    4. Billy Sir,

      I know you have sold your apartment before, but the buyer was withdrawn then.

      I think selling self-use apartment is an big issue.

      There are too many HK people made this decision and are now living in poor conditions.

      For stocks market and even 016.HK, it is full of uncertainties.

      I think if an investor is good in stocks investment, he/she may maximise its return/value in any certain amount. There is no need always to add new money in the stocks portfolio.


    5. 坦白講,我近半財產是這間廿年樓齡的舊樓,若不是要顧及內子的感受,我一定再賣過.

    6. Billy Sir,

      I think you have a clever wife!

