

我對大昌集團甚有感触, 因先父曾於1973年買入, 持貨至1980年賣出, 足足蝕去七成本金, 若計埋通脹, 真係得回些湯渣!
大昌出名保守, 資產折讓大兼作風低調, 多次買入大昌想[為父報仇]均被悶走, 買入博被私有化或公司賣資產套現分錢, 均需要有無比耐性兼血壓正常.
現價7.25元 市盈率12.72倍 股息率4.83% 市值44億元
*大昌集團前身叫大昌地產, 於70年代與長江, 新地齊名.
**現單計持有尖沙咀喜來登酒店35%權益, 已比整間公司的市值為高.

4 則留言:

  1. Billy Sir,

    For those local "low PB" property developers/investment stocks, you may take a look at 878.HK.

    Its PB was only 0.155 at 30Jun2018.(HK$11.08/HK$71.60)

    And its major shareholder is repeatedly buying more shares from the open market recently. (Upto 23Nov2018 :73.38%, but the upper limit should be 75%.)

    I guess there might be 2 possibilities:-

    1. More dividends in the future.
    2. Privatization by the major shareholder.

    But all depends on the major shareholder's thinkings, and so without guarantee.

    Do you have any idea in 878.HK?


  2. 買878要有無比耐性和運氣.

  3. 尋日入左少少308
    呢間野獨市生意都賣咁平, 唔知有無伏
